Apply Now!
Use the online application or download the PDF version
APPLICATION: We must receive a completed application for all adults (18 years of age or older) applying. If the completed application contains any omissions (not satisfactory explained), it will be returned to you.
PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION: We require photo identification. A photo ID must be presented with your completed application.
RENTAL HISTORY: It is your responsibility to provide us with the information necessary to contact your past landlords. We reserve the right to deny your application if, after making a good faith effort, we are unable to verify your rental history.
INCOME: Must be legal. We must be able to verify, independently, the amount and stability of your income. One year of employment is required. Gross income must be 2 ½ times the rent.
Items required along with COMPLETED application for submittal:
- Application fee of $25.00/adult (Pay online, cash, money order. No personal checks are accepted)
- Color photo copy of each adult’s identification
- Last two pay stubs or bank statements showing income
This is NOT a lease or a Rental Agreement. Each individual occupying the premise MUST complete this form. THE APPLICATION MUST BE COMPLETED IN FULL. FALSIFICATION OF INFORMATION IS GROUNDS FOR DENIAL.